Why You’re Waking Up in the Middle of the Night and How to Fix It
Room Environment: Bright lights, noise, and temperature can disrupt sleep. Use fans, blackout curtains, or earplugs. Anxiety: Causes panic attacks or a racing heartbeat.
Try therapy, medications, or meditation. Frequent Bathroom Trips: Nocturia can be caused by fluid intake or medical conditions. Limit fluids and consult a doctor. A**ohol: Disrupts sleep. Avoid alcohol three hours before bed. Sleep Apnea: Breathing issues during sleep. A CPAP machine can help. Overactive Thyroid: Causes night sweats and a racing heartbeat. See a doctor for treatment. Eating Habits: Skipping meals or eating late can cause sleep disruptions. Maintain a healthy diet. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): Causes leg discomfort. Consult a doctor for treatments